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Backyard Birds of NY
El Pollo, Mexican Wrestling Chicken
River Otters in love
Chikadee and Peonies
Chocolate-covered Strawberry Finch
You Are Beary Special
Happy Camper
"I only have eyes for you"
Lucky Bunny
Otter Slide
Sweet Tooth
Bath Time
"Signs of Spring"
The Blackburnian Warbler's bedside reading
Right in front of you
Letting Go
Bubble Bath
Are you nuts?
The Acorn Woodpecker says "Keep Going"
Rusty, the Northern Cardinal says "You can do this"
Cat with leaves
Baby steps
Not so grizzly
What is your sound?
Sneaky Kitty
Worn out
I disagree
The Blue Titmouse says "Be scared, but do it anyways"
Breaking Free
The Pine Warbler says "Be true to you"
The white-throated sparrow says "You are beautiful"
Pete, the cockatiel, says "You make me smile"
The dark-eyed Junco says "Trust the process"
The Bullfinch says "Make time to create"
Buttercream Butterfly